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On Being a Woman

Today is International Women's Day and part of me wants to join the 'screw-you-we-don't-need-one-day-we-need-equality-every-day' bandwagon. A big part of me, if I'm being honest.

I can rage about the loss of reproductive freedom, the lack of gun safety laws, the implicit and explicit bias in the boardroom, the exhaustion of carrying a mental load that no amount of Pinterest hacks can solve.

But then I look into the faces of my two daughters and for a moment, I'm reminded of the gloriousness and paradox of being a woman.

“We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.” – Kavita Ramdas


In my role as career woman...

  • I've been a leader and been led.

  • I've been the breadwinner and been supported.

  • I've offered a shoulder for others and cried at work.

  • I've gotten the raise and been passed over for promotion.


In my role as family woman...

  • I've proven I can make it on my own and broke down when I felt alone.

  • I've been the clear decision-maker and given up my point of view.

  • I've created, birthed and nursed three humans and grieved the loss of one.

  • I've nurtured a 21-year intimate partnership and learned from the failure of many others.

  • I've been a support for people I love and have, too often, let them down.

Reflecting on the ups and downs of life and the many hats I wear inspires me to look around. Every single woman I know could write their own version of this list.

We are the caregivers, the abuse-takers and the change-makers.

Through it all, we know who we are and when we forget, we won't be reminded by a day on the calendar or a motivational post on social media.

When we see ourselves in the eyes of another, or for me, in the eyes of my daughters, we know the truth.

We are worthy.

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